Tagged: humor

Six tailed comet

Comets are like cats…

“Comets are like cats; they have tails, and they do precisely what they want.” – David H. Levy

insideride.com rollers

Ode to a good hot shower

I don’t suppose when Thomas Wolfe wrote You Can’t Go Home Again there’s even the remotest chance he was talking about the shower in my folks’ house. But, as far as showers go… it’s reason enough. To be honest, I can be certain he wasn’t talking about that shower since the house wasn’t constructed for another decade after he wrote the book… And I’m pretty sure it was yet another decade...

Sleeveless jersey and arm warmers. A truly timeless combination.

The indignities of cycling

  There are a few drawbacks to riding a bicycle 12-14 hours a week. Of course… right now, I’d gladly accept them all. None of them are quite as frustrating as being trapped by the dull ache accented by the occasional stabs of roaring pain in my right ankle. When you spend a lot of that bike time riding with other people, it can get even worse. They tend to take...

Getting a grasp on technology

I’ll admit it. I was a texting holdout — but only because the people I interacted with were Instant Messaging junkies. My half dozen or so confidants can or could be found on Google Talk or equivalent most of the day. We shoot back and forth with jokes, snide remarks, photos, banter, cool websites, news and what have you. So, I knew the benefits of text… But why on earth would...